Showing posts with label Iwami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iwami. Show all posts

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunrise on Sanbe


It was a cold and windy night with lots of rain, sleet, and snow, but with the coming of the sun the wind swept the clouds off the mountain top to reveal the view....


Off to the north Izumo and the mountains north of Izumo taisha were clearly visible...


To the east the valleys were still filled with clouds and mist.... known as unkai in Japanese...


To the west the onshore winds had not yet cleared the clouds away...


Somewhere down in the SW near the horizon was my village..... with the sun the fall colors cloaking the mountain were finally visible....


Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Month of Little Sleep part 6


After the round of ceremonies at Nakano Omoto Matsuri it was time for more dancing and first up was some very young kids dancing Hachiman.....


Bothe the 2 heroes and the 2 demons were very young kids and they did a really great job...


Next up a couple of older kids danced Shoki...


Then to the other end of the age scale.... an elderly gentleman danced the first part of Yachimata. This was the first time I have seen this dance and the only reference I can find to it says it is danced by Uzume and Sarutahiko. Yachimata is the crossroads between the High Plain of Heaven and Japan and it is here that Ninigi, Amaterasu's grandson, and his entourage meet Sarutahiko on their derscent from heaven to begin their rule of Japan. This old gentleman is obviously not Uzumne, so maybe he is Ninigi.....


The second part of the dance belongs to Sarutahiko....


A break from the theatrical kagura brings us to the Four Swords dance. I have read that originally this dance and Kenmai were once the same dance but then split into 2 separate parts.


The dance increases in tempo and excitement and the audience is well aware when difficult, acrobatic sections have been performed well.....

It was around 2am and there was lots more to come but I was suffering from a bad cold so took my leave early.....

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Month of Little Sleep part 5


Wednesday night was Omoto Matsuri up in Nakano. Honoring the local kami Omotojin, these matsuris only take place, in the villages that still have them, every six or 7 years and are therefore more important than the annual matsuri. The event took place in the shrines kaguraden, but the villagers had built a huge temporary shelter out of bamboo and blue tarps to keep everyone protected from the weather....


As we arrived the Iwato dance was underway....


After that first dance it was time for rituals and ceremony to begin and first the representation of Omoto, a coiled rope snake with red tongue was brought in and set on the temporary altar. Later the snake will be uncoiled and used in some shamanic rituals, and next day he will be taken to a sacred tree and wrapped around its base.


Next three priests conducted a purification of the space that culminated with the scattering of rice grains over the space and the audience/congregation.....


The other priests now entered, 7 in total, and they were all purified with the Onusa. The priests had come from all over the district. Most shrines do not have a resident priest, and the few priests that do live in the countryside are responsible for a large number of shrines. For Omoto rituals there may be as many as ten priests who take part.


next came the lengthy ritual of placing the offerings on the altar. Mostly shinsen, food offerings, but also other types known as heihaku. Compared to a more usual shrine ceremony, the number of offerings was quite large as befitting the importance of Omoto.


Next a series of norito were read to Omoto, after which the offerings were removed, rather more quickly than they were placed, and then Omoto was placed above the tengai to "observe" the nights dances and the altar dismantled so the dancing could continue.....

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Month of Little Sleep part 3


Sunday night was matsuri downriver in Kawahira, a village I always enjoy visiting because of the friendliness and genrosity of the villagers....


The hachiman dance was in full swing as we arrived around 11pm. Unusually, Hachiman and his aide were being danced by two young women. Girls and women dancing kagura is unusual. A few groups have started to allow girls to dance, but it is not the norm.


Even more unusual was the fact that these two young women were not from the village, they were not even from the area. They are students at the university up in Matsue and for the past year they have been making the 2 hour drive once a week to come down and practise in the village. They danced well and the villagers were very appreciative of their help in maintaining the traditions....


Next dance was Suzukuyama, a classic battle between the good guys and the demon.


Past midnight and the next generation of dancers and fans are still keeping up.....


Next was Yasogami, and extra long dance because of the stand-up routines and pantomime and slapstick. In this scene one of the brothers attempts to woo, unsuccessfully, the princess....


1:30am and Jinrin starts up....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Month of Little Sleep part 2


Walking back from the matsuri at Ichiyama we stopped in at the matsuri at Kaewado. We got there about 3am.


The kenmai dance has just started....


Followed by a different version of Kakko.....


And then a really good version of Jinrin.....


The finale was Kurozuka with the demonic white fox.....

and the sky was lightening and time to wander home across the river....

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Month of Little Sleep part 1


For me, the month of October has to be "The Month Of Little Sleep". In our area the rice has been harvested and now it is time for matsuri, and around here matsuri means all night kagura. Every village has their own matsuri and there are some I try to visit every year as well as many I have not had time to visit yet.... the first for me this year was saturday night in Ichiyama...


Got there around 10pm and the Iwato dance was just starting....


Next dance was Hachiman with the almost obligatory demon/hero battle.... I keep rooting for the demons but they never win.....


Next up was a ceremonial dance, Kenmai, which means "sword dance" but involved no swords. It was seperated from the sword part of the dance which is performed at Omoto Kagura.....


Next up was Jimmu, a dance based on the exploits of the mythical first emperor of Japan who subjugated the various clans and tribes of Western Japan in his invasion from Kyushu to kansai....


Next up was Kakko, a dance about a comedic figure who steals a sacred drum and attempts to unlock its power.....

Around 2:30am,  we took our leave of the good folks in Ichiyama and started to walk towards home...

More information about these dances, including videos, can be found by clicking on the labels of this post...

Friday, July 20, 2012

Leading the blind to the aquarium


Recently some of my photos have been used in a publication dealing with access for visually-impaired people.

The photos were taken from an earlier post, Leading the blind, on the tactile floor markers used as guides.


While scouring through my files looking for the originals I came across this sequence of photos of the same subject. All of them were taken at Aquas, our local aquarium.


I find it intriguing that something designed for those with poor or no sight could be so visually striking.


I also like them because it is very easy to photograph them and have them look like the paintings I used to do back in the day......




Friday, July 6, 2012

A new Gotsu manhole cover


Recently came across a new design on Gotsu City's draincover. It shares many elements with the earlier design, (seen here)  at the top is "Star Mountain" a post on which you can find here.
Below it is the new double decker bridge across the Gonokawa, and the official flower of the city, tsutsuji (azalea)


The three figures at the bottom are new.Some years ago my town, Sakurae, was incorporated into Gotsu City and the design from Sakurae's draincover  is the Enko, known more commonly as Kappa. The two human figures are Kakinomoto Hitomaro and his wife, Yosami no Otome was from what is now Gotsu and there are claims that some of Hitomaros poems are based in Gotsu.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hamada Castle


This is an artists impression of what Hamada castle would have looked like. It no longer exists as it was torched by the Lord of the castle in 1866 to stop it falling into the hands of the approaching Choshu forces.


This entrance gate that now stands at the entrance to the inner fortifications was originally a gate to a samurai residence in Tsuwano. the Choshu forces passed through Tsuwano on their way west but the Tsuwano Lord chose to keep his men inside tsuwano castle rather than engage the invaders.


The castle and surrounding castle town were built in 1620 by the Yoshida clan though control of the domain and castle passed to a branch of the Matsudaira a few decades later.


There are fine views over Hamada from where the keep once stood.