Friday, January 24, 2025

Tairyuji Yakushi-in Temple


As far as I can make out, Tairyuji Temple and Yakushi-in Temple share the same grounds and are somehow connected yet considered separate.

The Nio gate, which is partway up the steps to the complex, dates back to the 17th century and contains a fine pair of Nio.

I am not sure if the priest is visiting the temple or returning home to the temple

The Yakushi-in hall is the smaller of the two buildings in the photo below.

Yakushi-in was established in the 10th century down near where Bitchu Takahashi station is today.

It was moved to its current location in the very early 17th century. It is a Shingon temple and its "secret" honzon is only revealed once every 50 years.

The Yakushi-in main hall is quite small, 3 bays wide and 3 bays deep, but is considered a fine example of Momoyama Period architecture and is registered as an Important Cultural Property of Okayama.

The Binzaru statue pictured below, was quite nice and is usually dark red in colour but may just be faded...

For many older Japanese the temple is well known as being the location for one of the "Tora-san" movies.

The previous post was on the Nariwa Art Museum.

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