Friday, July 29, 2022

Joshin-in Temple 90 on the Kyushu pilgrimage

Japan Guide

About ten kilometers West of Nanrinji, in the middle of the Chikugo River Plain is the small temple-shrine of Joshin-in, temple number 90 on the 108 temples Kyushu  Pilgrimage.

Striking is the torii at the entrance..... usually associated only with Shinto shrines...... in fact in 1868 it became law that only Shinto shrines could have a torii.... according to the little info I could get the temple celebrates shinbutsu shugo, the older more traditional mixture of religious traditions that was abolished in 1868.... which leads me to suspect this temple was founded post 1945.

The honzon of the temle is a Fudo Myo and there are several fudo statues in the small grounds.

Also enshrined here are an 11-faced Kannon, a Dainichi, a Shaka, and a jizo. The temle is also on the Kyushu 24 Jizo pilgrimage.

The torii is because Inari Daimyojin is enshrined here, as a nun was instructed in an oracle from Fudo. A couple of the Ohenro temples on Shikoku enshrine Inari. The Inari here is considered one of the 10 Inari's of Chikuzen


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